The Curriculum

We are an established school, offering an all-round education to the children of Nigerian and expatriate families. We are well known in Maiduguri and beyond for providing a structured, caring, well-resourced learning environment in a happy, family atmosphere.

At the heart of our curriculum is the belief that all pupils are entitled to a broadly- based education in a stimulating learning environment. Children are exposed to a wide variety of learning opportunities during their time at The Millennium International School and are given every opportunity to develop their individual skills and interests.

Where appropriate, we adjust our curriculum to reflect our location in Nigeria and to enable our pupils to benefit from the richness of Nigerian culture and heritage.


The Millennium international school Early Years department offers a welcoming,friendly learning enviroment for children Between the ages of 2 and 5 years old.Classes are of twenty children and each class has a Teacher and a Teaching assistant.Both Playgroup and Nursery benefit from the additional support of a nanny in each class (three adults in each class).

The classes are well equipped, lively and child-centred. In addition, we have outdoor areas with playground equipment.


We believe that children’s experiences in their younger years are critical to their subsequent development. The following underlying principles are essential to what we offer:

-All children have abilities which can and should be identified and promoted.

-Young children learn from everything that happens to them and around them; they do not separate their learning into different subjects or disciplines.

-Children who feel confident in themselves and their own ability have a head start to learning.

-Children learn when they are given appropriate responsibility, allowed to make errors, decisions and choices, and respected as autonomous and competent learners.

-The relationships that children make with other children and with adults are of central importance to their development.
Our staff are both committed to and fully involved in providing a first-class educational start for the children in their care.


· Wide range of learning experience are provided
· A balance grounding in all main subjects
· A well structured science practical lessons
· Remedial lessons for the weak students
· Students are prepared for JSCE, (NECO) WAEC-SSCE, NECO-SSCE, IGCSE, SAT, TOEFL and JAMB-UME
· CAMBRIDGE A’ level courses are also available

In the junior secondary school students JSS will study English, Mathematics,Integrated Science, French, Social Studies, Home Economics, Physical and Health Education a Nigerian language and elocution. From the beginning of the third year, students will be introduced to science subject: Physics, Chemistry and Biology to prepare them for their specialization in SS1. At the end of the third year, the students will take the public examination in the junior secondary subject, successful candidate are called for interview before the final selection.

The SSS course start in the fourth year and students are expected to take eight or nine subjects for the SSS examination in the sixth year. The college curriculum reflects the requirement of the national curriculum. Each student will take the following core subjects:

1. English Language
2. Mathematics
3. One Nigerian language
4. One of the following science subjects: Chemistry, Biology Physics
5. One of the following English Literature, Geography or History.
6. Agricultural science or a vocational subject

In addition a student will take three subjects from the following options:

1. Alternative from core subject NO. 4
2. Alternative from core subject NO. 5
3. Alternative from core subject NO. 6
4. fine Art
5. Religious Knowledge (CRK/IRK)
6. French
7. Additional Mathematics
8. Music
9. Computer Science.

All students have the opportunity to study drama, public debate, pottery, house keeping and gardening within the curriculum.

Many co-curriculum opportunities are available for those with a particular interest in other areas.

Similarly, all students follow full physical education programmes which introduce them to a wide variety of games and perhaps more importantly promote a healthy way of life.


We have competent counselors in the school. In years one to three, the college invites the basis for the most teaching groups, since streamlining it is not necessary in these early years. By year four when students are in SS 1, the teaching is arranged to reflect the particular strength and interest in each student. Students are guided in the choice of their subject leading to their future careers. Parents will be fully advised on subject choice for SSS examination.

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