The Millennium International School is a busy school and we offer a wide range of activities and events, both within the curriculum and beyond it. It is our belief that at this formative age the greater the range of opportunities offered, the more likely each child is to find something he or she can try, enjoy, develop and become good at.


Each year the school will support a charity chosen by the students. The school enjoys philanthropist support, it teaches the student to learn to give.


Provision is made for a variety of activities and clubs

· The club activities are:

1-Debating Club
2-Press Club
3-jet Club

· Sporting activities include:

2-Basket Ball
4-Volley Ball

The school’s perception of a close relationship between itself and parents are essential to the full development of every student. A range of informal contact is maintained to keep parents informed of educational development of their children. The Parent Teachers Association runs its own social events to assist communication and unity.


The school is open to parents of prospective students on the first Saturday of February, May and June of each year. At 10:am of those days, the principal will address the parents on the progress made by the school and remarks made by parents on the performance of their wards .

Parents are invited twice a year to the school to inspect the student work Parent may be communicated on the low performance of the child and be invited for discussion.

Parents are warmly invited to join us for our special events. In keeping with our philosophy, events such as Plays and Sports Days include all the children.

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